30 May 2009


-under construction-

27 May 2009


kali ni ntuk photography kne tgkap gmba model in natural lighting. so skali lg kne meredah hutan. echeyh... hutan konon. no le kucing...! redah umah terbiar jeap ntuk reach umah terbiar yg lawa skeyt. tp bg aku mmg memenatkan. even kejap jeap kot. tp dgn terik nye! allahuakbar... tuhan jeap yg faham.

ktorg ikut apek. curik model die... ahaha!! tp last2nye smorg pn share2 model. actually aku pn xtau ape and mcmne encik is nk kte shoot. die just ckap natural light. so aku pn maen bdal jeap le... bkn aku pham pn natural light tu die nk cmne... ahaha^^

si ika da lencun. anep bro lg a... da bleyh perah kot bju die tu.... hmmm.... agak2 klu perah dpt a gak pnuhkan stu botol... heeee~~ xnk bygkn da. huhuhu..... yg aku plak... obviously la tgh suffer. pki bju plak x serap peluh. mak aih!! x slese gle a.... tp at least bleyh kaver jgk bshnye.

so ktorg pn berkmpul a kat umah tu shooting sne sini. dok dlm pokok, pnjat tingkap la, mencangkung la.... ktorg as photographer yg actually banyak posing. model just diri stu act selamber cool. hmmmm..... aku yg da x larat ni maen ikut org jeap. dpt a dlm 2-3 shot yg ok. tp reject x reject tu.... laen story a. aku skang just shoot jeap.

haha^^ okok, lpas aku edit2 shot2 aku nt aku up kt sni k??

thanx for visiting peeps!^^


22 May 2009

pink!!!!!! knape do??

assalamualaikum....^^ welcome!

mlm ni aku ade something nk tye korg la.... hehe^^ tu pn klu korg tau.

aku nk tye asal pink semacam jeap page aku ni?? last skali, seingat aku..... aku x ske pink??? npe ea?? actually aku pn xtau knape. hehe^^ tp ble aku pk2 balik, snanye aku ske warne candy.... so mknenye trmasuk skali ngan pink a kot?? haha^^ anyway.... x kesahla psl color pink ni. cute gak wat?? jnji x everything dr atas ke bawah kaler pink. eeeewwww..... x ske x ske X SKE!! ingat ko patung barbie ke nk pki sme pink?? bdk tadika bleyh thn a lg..... hahaha!!^^

nah... something for y'all. aku bru buat kejap td. heeee~~ enjoy!!^^

thanks for reading..... goodbye!!

MY BIRTHDAY!!! how was it???

"~~selamat hari jadi..... tanjobi omedeto..... saengil chukha hamnida....~~"


it was on the 15th bg sspe yg xtau tp nk tau. yg xnk tau xpe.... hehe^^ tp skang bru nk ltak kat blog. alang2 dah online, baek update trus. heeeee~~ at least xde a kosong blog aku ni en?? eventhough aku da ad blog ni sjak thn 2007 lg. hehe^^ mmg pemalas nk update. skang bru teruja skeyt. lalalala~~

anyway, back to the topic! happy birthday to me!!^^ so, mari kte jwb soalan td.... cmne?? OK ke?? jwpnnye?? by my standards it was just fine. ape yg aku bleyh expect?? time tu ngah cuti n fone aku msuk jamban. celebrate by makan2 jeap. on the 15th celebrate ngan dad and 16th with mom. mak aku g china the week before and kul 2am 15 aie bln tu bru die balik. tu yg celebrate seperate2 tu...

hehe^^ as for presents?? aku dpat fone baru. eeee~~ sukex3^^

slaen drpd tu, aku dpat cake, kipas battery, a giraffe plushie, tgk DVD konsert BIG BANG, gelang comel tp ketat, fone holder yg cam mini-beanbag tu...... and a snow cap. yg ade flappy flap tu.... heeeee~~ cam what my beloved bf yong yongie likes to wear....^^


pssst.....! next post nt, aku cte pasal die ea?? huhu^^

thank you everyone for the gifts. klu ad free time nt aku ltak gmba sme present yg aku dpat.... and to spe2 yg wish me... thanx sbb ingat kat aku....<3

see you soon guys!!^^

21 May 2009



hey guys!

today i'd like to tell you guys abt this j-rock band that i'm a diehard fan of. like FORSRS! truthfully, i've been their fan for aaaaages! and i would've updated sooner but it's just that, it's really hard to get updates on them and so far, the only info available are from their official page. which is obviously in japanese...... which i can't read. so go figure.

luckily though, they also have an official international fanpage that i can rely on for updates, so that makes up for everything. i can't imagine where to get updates on them if it didn't exist. it's either the fanpage or their myspace page. and i don't do myspace anymore so that's useless. but it's okay though. so far i've managed to keep myself updated with their activities and i can thank their official fanpage for that.

anyhow, the band that i'm raving about is........... *drumrolls*



haha^^ as you can see, i'm utterly obsessed with them.

OK!!! let's introduce the members....


vocalist (frontman), guitarist

pause!! excuse the interruption... hehe^^
kenji is my fave out of the band. he's really cute but his voice is what makes me go weak in the knees. i mean, his vocals are so powerful that it's too hard to resist. especially when he hits those high notes. OMG!!!! so totally unique. and let's not forget his quirky smile^^
alright enough of that.
moving along.....




lead guitarist






yep. that's basically all i know abt them. AHAHAHA!!^^ pathetic isn't it? but not really cuz BACK-ON is like a band that focuses more on tours and gigs. all these years i've been a fan, i've realised that they usually release a single or an album and then head straight into tour mode right after. so they get busy for the rest of the year. it's like they're mainstream, but kinda not. i mean, srsly, it's hard to find any news on them. like, even in japan, they're only mostly known for making anime soundtracks or drama soundtracks. but other than that, you just hardly know.

with BACK-ON, it's all about the music....

hmmm.... how do they sound like??? i dunno how to describe it. srsly. the closest i can compare their music to is Linkin Park. but even then, they're distinctly different. like they do rock but they can also do some sweet soft songs. and then they have the catchy upbeat songs. they have more range and are generally, in my honest opinion, better. lol.

OKOK. i better stop. that's abt it for my story about this one awesome band. if i continue to rant on, some of you might get annoyed. ahaha^^

thanks for visiting!!! i'll see you soon...!!



if you're interested, here's the link to the fanpage;