22 May 2009

MY BIRTHDAY!!! how was it???

"~~selamat hari jadi..... tanjobi omedeto..... saengil chukha hamnida....~~"


it was on the 15th bg sspe yg xtau tp nk tau. yg xnk tau xpe.... hehe^^ tp skang bru nk ltak kat blog. alang2 dah online, baek update trus. heeeee~~ at least xde a kosong blog aku ni en?? eventhough aku da ad blog ni sjak thn 2007 lg. hehe^^ mmg pemalas nk update. skang bru teruja skeyt. lalalala~~

anyway, back to the topic! happy birthday to me!!^^ so, mari kte jwb soalan td.... cmne?? OK ke?? jwpnnye?? by my standards it was just fine. ape yg aku bleyh expect?? time tu ngah cuti n fone aku msuk jamban. celebrate by makan2 jeap. on the 15th celebrate ngan dad and 16th with mom. mak aku g china the week before and kul 2am 15 aie bln tu bru die balik. tu yg celebrate seperate2 tu...

hehe^^ as for presents?? aku dpat fone baru. eeee~~ sukex3^^

slaen drpd tu, aku dpat cake, kipas battery, a giraffe plushie, tgk DVD konsert BIG BANG, gelang comel tp ketat, fone holder yg cam mini-beanbag tu...... and a snow cap. yg ade flappy flap tu.... heeeee~~ cam what my beloved bf yong yongie likes to wear....^^


pssst.....! next post nt, aku cte pasal die ea?? huhu^^

thank you everyone for the gifts. klu ad free time nt aku ltak gmba sme present yg aku dpat.... and to spe2 yg wish me... thanx sbb ingat kat aku....<3

see you soon guys!!^^

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