18 June 2009


kali ni shoot band pulak. and yet again, location die...... umah buruk seberang kolej kte. heh. emmm.... actually this 4th photo outing ni da lme da berlalu, tp atas sebab2 kemalasan and tensyen nk wat game design nye assignment so, aku xde a update kat sini. heheh^^

anyway, yes. kitorg kne shoot cover utk band yg kte akn 'confidential'kn nme dorg (sbb aku xtau nme band tu snanye....) weeee~~~ konsep band tu aku xtau snanye. dorg kte dorg indie... tp style dorg skinny jeans and leather jackets da semcm hardcore pn ad aku tgk. eh.... but then dorg pye konsep ntuk cover tu, dorg soh design cam 'light trail' plak da.... coz dorg kte music dorg lbeyh ke arah electronica??? weyh... bersepah weyh....

haha^^ tu stu pye hal la. posing pn lg stu pye hal plak. i dunno what they're trying to convey dgn pose2 dorg cmtu. yg aku lak x reti nk btau. x reti nk direct dorg..... just tggu dorg tgh neutral and x trlalu pose-y bru snap. ahhhh~~~ naseb a. aku x puas ati ngn shot2 aku snanye. naseb aku luck agak baek, dpt a 5+ shots yg bleyh aku slamatkn. hmmmm....

these are my shots.

lol. post satu dlu bleyh x? laen lom edit. ekeke^^

so anyway... tu la die aku nye photo outing ke-4. see you on the next post peeps!!^^

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