24 August 2009


i seriously need to get my hands on it. SERIOUSLY!!!! look at the packaging!

i want it SOOOO BAD!!!

+P L A Y L I S T+

i recommend these songs;

  1. butterfly
  2. one year station
  3. breathe
  4. hello

those are my most played songs right now. ahah^^ i love them! a different vibe than the usual big bang songs. it's a nice change. truthfully though, i love the whole album!! but that's just me being jiyong biased. ekeke^^




syda ibrahim said...

mmg gempak kan album die.
ni dah bukan album dah,
ni dah something else sbb
wow! camne die boleh pikir nak
wat album camtu.
org terkejut giler mase tgk kat
kekreatifan yang gempak!

nani said...

tau xpe. sgt lawa gle packaging album die ni.... org nk sgtsgtsgtsgt!!!! hoh^^ tp biasela my hubby mmg creative pn. haha!!XP

allkpop? aiyoh. website tu pnuh ngn berite gossip jea a. ad news yg direka semte2 pn jugak. baik g [minsarang.wordpress.com] lg bgus.

hohoh. promote jea.

syda ibrahim said...

oh ptt ah die asyik ckp sal gosip je.
mmber yg promote web tu.
mane la den tahu.
oh oke,
nnt org check web tu.

ah,your hubby is the best ah!

nani said...

yah2... allkpop tu mmg x btul sket news die. byk tuduhan yg melampau. hehe^^

my hubby mmg d best pn. ngeee~~