13 October 2009

i miss the guy TT^TT

changed the header back to the old one. i need to make a matching background for my kangin bear's header before i can use it. hehe^^

a new man on my header. i miss him a lot. kangin oppa~~ himnae yah!

what a guy, eh? i'm his girlfriend lmao!!! XP



syda ibrahim said...

i miss him too.
lame tak nmpak kat mane2 show.
bile la dia nak dtg balik kat show2.

nani said...

xtau a... sedeyh!! hopefully ntuk super show 2 yg akn dtg2 ni die ad. RINDUUUUU!!!!! tp hope die da kurus sket. nk die yg dulu balek. mcm kat header tu. haha!!XP hensem kot!

sweet memory@knight said...

for kangin's fans...korg doakan supaya kangin tidak dikeluarkan drpd super junior...

dia akan dikeluarkan drpd suju band hanya kerana memandu kereta dalam keadaan mabuk.....

apsl kangin??rmai lagi yg memandu kereta dlm keadaan mabuk..tp kangin???

hope kangin tak keluar....

Kangin!!i miss u a lot...

i very sad after i know this story...


nani said...

@sweet memory: he's not gonna be kicked out from SUJU, dear. jgn risau a... hehe^^ he's only suspended from activities. die akn digantung drpd perform smpi akhir thn ni jea. so it's ok. die mmg patut kena punish pn sbb ape yg die buat tu mmg x patut. hope he learns his lesson. belajar drpd kesilapan.