28 December 2009



OMGD i think i just pissed in my pants!!

srsly, like i've been waiting for almost TWO WHOLE FREAKING YEARS for this.
and finally..... i have it. i HAVE it! thank you. thank you so much.

BACK-ON has finally resurfaced!!!!!!! BACK-ON ppl BACK-ON!!!
i'm bloody FLIPPIN OUT right now!!!

this is what i'm goin crazy abt. this video right here.

gosh, you have no idea how psyched i am to finally be able to see them in something RECENT. i didn't even know kenji cut his hair and changed his hairstyle. plus, i haven't seen them for so long, even teeda's tattoos look different. god, i miss them!

and i don't even know what they're saying since he's speaking in both japanese and mandarin. actually i do know what they're saying. kinda. well, their fanpage says that in this video they're promoting their gig in taiwan for 2010. gosh i sooooooo envy taiwan fans who'll get to see them LIVE after a whole year of being gone!

i know what you're thinking. "is that all?" well, maybe YOU don't think this is anything to flip out over, but to me it is. it's practically the coolest thing i've heard all year. even my kpop obsessions don't beat this tiny bit of news.

also, as if i'm not ecstatic enough.......


it's gonna come out on 27th January. but that's like a month away!!! waaa~ well, i've waited this long. what's another month of waiting gonna hurt.

anyway, the single will feature two brand new tracks. one of which has been previewed in a pet documentary film as background music. i posted abt this earlier if you can remember.

it's called 'Tomorrow Never Knows' and the other song is 'One Step! featuring mini' which hasn't been previewed as far as i know of. 

OMG!! finally getting something NEW from them! 
GYAAAAHH!!! so damn excited!!!!! i can't wait for it to come out!!!
can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait!!!!

thanks for enduring the spaz, today.


p/s: is it just me or does kenji look a lot like BIGBANG seungri in that video?
haha^^ you tell me.

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