21 September 2010

my kinda guy.

hey guys, i got tagged on Facebook and here it is!

Just copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and post it anywhere you want!^^ You can tag your friends to do it if you want.

if you're a guy - post this as "my kind of girl"
if you're a girl - post it as "my kind of guy"
to whichever gender you prefer, really.

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
not really. as long as he looks cute and adorable in my eyes, it's fine.

2. Smart?
nope. as long as he can carry a conversation with me and talk to me abt things he likes with a strong passion, i'm good!

3. Preferred age?
he can be the same age as me, younger by 2-3 yrs or older by 2-3 yrs.

4. Preferred height?
don't care!

5. How about sense of humor?
MUST HAVE!! i can't stand booooooriingg people!

6. How about piercings?
em, nope.

7. Accepts you for who you are?
absolutely not. i mean, i'm not perfect and i have things abt me that are bad that i don't like either. and i strive to change that. so if i can't accept who i am, why should he? as long as he sees the good in me and tries to help me be a better person, then i'm all for it.

8. Pink hair?
if it fits him. lol. it can work. i've seen guys who pull that off just fine.

9. Mushy or no?
ergh! no. well, ok, yes. maybe. just not in public. pls?

10. Thin or fat?
i don't really mind. skinny guys are cute. but chubby guys are cute, too! but if he's thin, then woohoo! i'll force him to force me to not eat a lot. and i'll force him to eat a little bit more. then, we can be skinny together!

11. Black, Brown, Yellow or White (skin color)?
i like pale to tan guys. sorry, no chocolate for me. not racist tho. just not my preference.

12. Long hair or short hair?
long, short, shaved, half bald. i don't give a damn! go nuts! as long as the style fits him then i'll love it no matter what. (but if it doesn't fit him, i'll tell him to change it. keke^^)

13. Plastic or metal?
em, wood? lol. actually none. i don't like plastic nor metal.

14. Smells good?
absolutely. he's gotta smell GQ, baby. H-O-T!!

15. Smoker?
i'd prefer it if he didn't. but if he is, he CANNOT be one of those heavy chain smokers. if he can control it and isn't addicted to smoking, then it's cool, i guess.

16. Drinker?
nope. i want a guy who can drive me home after a night out. i don't wanna clean up his puke or have to take care of his hangover in the morning. no thanks!

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?

18. Muscular?
yeah, totally. but no overdose. i like biceps, you don't have to have choco abs. lol. i like slim muscles. lithe and lanky boys. besides, if he looks good in a suit, then these things don't matter anyway. keke^^
(the BIGBANG boys are the range i would go for. keke^^ if he's more muscular than YB, then, no. if he's skinnier than jiyong, OMG. anorexic? no. jiyong is skinny enough already.)

19. Plays piano?
not necessary. but a definite plus if he does!

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
see 19.

21. Plays violin?
see 19.

22. Sings very well?
see 19.

23. Vain?
keke^^ vain guys are cool as long as they're not obsessed with themselves and they know their limit and appropriate situations where they can be vain. you know.

24. With glasses?
YES YES YES! even if he doesn't, he can wear those fake glasses for me. haha. preppy boys FTW!

25. With braces?
why not? doesn't matter.

26. Shy type?
shy guys are cute. hehe^^ with that said, i like the shy type to a certain extent. generally, i like confident guys who have their shy moments. too adorable! the key is moderation.

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
rebel. all the way.

28. Active or passive?
ACTIVE! but he can be chill once in a while.

29. Tight or bomb?
i don't get this question. 0.o but to my own interpretation, i'd say both.

30. Singer or dancer?
both. hehe^^

31. Stunner?
definitely! bitches be jealous cuz i got a fine ass GQBAMF on my arms. haha!

32. Hiphop?
yep. but he needs to like other things too.

33. Earrings?

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?
it's fine. as long as he's not a player. what? having a lot of ex-gfs doesn't mean he's a player.

35. Dimples?
aww~ cute. but it doesn't matter.

36. Bookworm?
that's nice. as long as he's not an annoying know-it-all. ugh. hate those types.

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
yeah. sure. just a little bit. nothing fancy, alright?

38. Playful?

39. Flirt?
NO! not even with me. ew. it's just a turn off. i like straight forward guys. being flirty is a waste of time and ultra cheesy. nope. no way.

40. Poem writer?
ding ding ding~!!!! i love poetry. and in music, they're called lyricists. (jiyong!)

41. Serious?
no. SRSBZNS guys are kinda annoying.

42. Campus crush?
i don't prefer it. but it's ok i guess.

43. Painter?
YES! absolutely.

44. Religious?

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
fun! just as long as it isn't insensitive. teasing can hurt real bad and if he doesn't know his words might hurt me, then we got a problem there.

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
BOOOOOOOTTTTHHHHHH~!!!!!!! BOTH BOTH BOTH! but computer games geek more. actually, i just love gamers. be it computer games or consoles. gamers are HOT!

47. Speaks 20 languages?
yea! totally.

48. Loyal or faithful?
faithful. because if he's faithful then the loyalty will come with it.

49. Good kisser?
yes. he should be.

50. Loves children?
yes. haha^^ because i don't like kids. i mean, i LOVE kids... until they start to pull their ugly tantrums out. then, i'd shove the kid to him and he can handle them. lol. okay, that sounds mean. i'm sure my perspective would be changed if the kid was mine, so... yes. answer is yes. lol.


THE END!^^ thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can i do this tag?




foreversusc is suddenly open! you have to read that. god. i puked.