06 October 2010


to my readers... i'm sure you are aware of the drama i've been involuntarily thrown into these past few days. this is a new revelation on the issue. korang nilailah sendiri ye? kau baca apa yang aku tulis di SINI dan SINI. keep in mind, that my comments were indeed harsh but not untrue. believe me. and kau compare betapa talam dua mukanya mereka ini.

btw, i need to clarify that at the time that these girls made the posts, 1) they thought i was nani of whom, is a COMPLETELY different person than i am, 2) they were involved in a massive childish battle with a certain INHAE whom pisses even ME off to no end, and 3) they misunderstood every single word i said about their blog and took it to a personal level.

korang judge la sdri ye??

imagine the facts here, okay? they don't even really know who this INHAE person is. yet, they confidently bash on me as if i am INHAE? how wonderful!

and shira, i really had a better impression of you. yet there you are. proof right in front of my eyes. kau memang belagak baik. haha. x guna apologize dah. no use. batrisyia (nama sedap gila) i take it back. kau memang ada maki aku. BAJET HOT???????????? FUCK korang memang suci gila lah. kau boleh pi kat page2 membe aku and tanya diorang betapa x bajet hot nye aku? okay?? LOL! and you girls say I'M the one who bash on you?

btw, i really was a hopeless bookworm when i was 13. i really had no life. i studied all day and all night. aku lagi budak lompat lah dulu. imagine i had to take tuition classes for standard 4&5 for the same subjects back to back in the same day every weekend for TWO YEARS! i had VIRTUALLY NO TIME AT ALL for all this KPOP thing when i was younger. DON'T TALK AS IF YOU KNEW ME BACK WHEN I WAS 13 BITCH!! my generation, we had more moral values than you people nowadays.

srsly, you idiots. i'm not gonna accept your stupid apologies. xsah. even tho this was before you realized you had the wrong person, i still won't accept it anymore. btw, akma or whoever the FUCK you are.... go to hell. simpan lah apology you tu. x ikhlas baik xpayah. disgusting.



[EDIT] to further shed light on the situation, (and proof of just how completely hypocritical these girls are) i will be including more caps of posts by them, intended for me.

this is the post that started everything. she posted this after reading my comments made on naniscribbles. links are provided above. my response to this post made by her?? HERE.

and this is supposed to be her response to my post. notice how nice her words are here? sedangkan kat facebook ayat2 dia macam mana?

judge by yourself. i'm not trying to get anyone on my side. berani kerana benar. korang buatlah penilaian sendiri. kalau rasa aku yang x patut, pls inform me so i know what exactly it is that i should not have done.

if she really intended to drop the issue would she post this? i don't think so.

apologizing to no end. konon2 macam she's the one being victimized here. padahal? see for yourself and compare this to her facebook posts. LOL.

p/s: click the images to read.


enjoy the show.
peace out.


Anonymous said...

pasni mesti diorg private diorg nye facebook. teruk gile. apejadah you cikgu plak!? i yang cikgu! bodoh!

Anonymous said...

die kate nk balas gila2 kan? die berani ke?

nani said...

nani, i already told you this on facebook, but srsly... i think everyone can see how sarcastic her entries were. it's obvious to everyone but her and her army of idiots.

aku nak tengok berani mana budak ni.

Anonymous said...

lol, she's gonna private her blog tomorrow. omg lololololol!!!!!!!!

that's how BERANI kerana benar she is! clearly her EGO besar gile nak mampus, dah salah taknak mengaku, pergi lari mcm pengecut ape tah - pastu merepek bukan2 psl truth will survive ape mak nenek tah (lagi nak deny english die berterabur?).

you know seriously?

these girls might even be retarded!

i've seen/met many 13-year-olds, none were as clueless as they are. and you know what? i think their whole school consists of people like them! XD

nani said...

i know right??? EGO GILA LAH! haha^^ tao xpa. i'm drafting my final response to this, nani.


Anonymous said...

omg bile u nk publish season finale?? i tak sabar nk bace ni! haha!