03 October 2010


i never knew my opinion affects people in the most nonsensical ways.

lol. to whom it may concern.... i hope YOU boleh baca post ni dengan hati yang lapang.

kehkeh. let the fun times begin. you'll probably be fuming by the end of this. i guarantee it.


i xtau kenapa you nak butthurt dengan apa yang i borak2 dgn kawan i, and nak bising2 pasal opinion i on that very GENERAL topic of discussion. maaf la kalau you x boleh handle frank opinions. we have sharp tongues. if you can't take the heat, stay away from the damn kitchen.

tp xpelah. i explain kat you pelan2 ye? you kan masih budak lagi. kesian kat you. this is my reply to you. okay? ^^


first of all, i never even mentioned ONCE that i was talking about you, kan? xda bukti pun mengatakan aku cakap pasal kau. knapa kau terasa? oh, sebab aku ada describe something similar macam header kau tu ke? kau x terfikir ke mungkin ada orang lain yang ada header macam kau??? apa masalah kau sebenarnya? perasan ke? psycho?? tapi fine lah. since kau dah terkulat sorang2 macam orang gila, i'll be frank. YES. i based my opinions from your blog. puas hati? tapi ingatlah ni ye? i may have based it on yours, but i was speaking of it in general. aku xda follow orang x tentu pasal. aku xda rajin mana pun nak blog-hopping sana sini. aku x aktif blogging pun. lol. in fact, i even forgot about you the moment my friend and i finished our discussion. tapi x sangka ttbe kau yang terkinja2 nak reply post plak. which, fyi, i wouldn't have even known of, had my friend not informed me about it. lol. kau mmg perasan sorang2. kau fikir kau macam important gila ke bagi aku??? haha.

oklah, now that we've established that, kita boleh move on.

srsly, english you x berterabur? and NO ONE, EVER, said your english sucks? wow. bagus kawan2 you semua. lol. um, sorry to say kiddo... but it IS, mmg berterabur OKAY? besides, i did say it wasn't horrible, right? ke, you can't read? add that to delusional and what's there left to describe you as a functional, rational human being?? tolonglah. YOU yg xnk gaduh dgn i plak. WTH. (feeling immature sbb gaduh dengan budak kecik.) the past tense for hurt is hurt, not hurted. but okay human mistake. fine lah. aku accept. so now what? apa point yang you nak bawak ketengah dgn statement tu? apa yang aku cakap mmg straight-forward facts. english kau berterabur. kenapa you nak assume aku imply that you aren't allowed to make mistakes? ada aku cakap english you berterabur sebab you stupid? xda kan? assuming makes an ass out of you and me. my father taught me that. you'd do good to learn it as well.

kenapa? rasa sakit bila ada orang kritik kau punya language skill? ego kau tercalar ke?? sorry ye. masa saya umur awak pun saya xda nak sebut2 'hurted' ni. then suddenly come up with an excuse that you're just human. eh? tadi blagak sangat declare xda orang pernah kata english kau berterabur? bukan apa, english aku pun x perfect lagi. aku masih lagi guna google untuk tahu maksud words yang aku x familiar. tp kau macam...... wow. terbukti terang2an depan mata aku yang english kau berterabur tp kau boleh lagi in denial cakap nonsense bullshit macam, "no one ever said my english sucks. NEVER." eleh. hahaha! klaka la kau budak. jangan bodoh sombong ye??? nanti orang macam aku akn gelak2kan kau. x enak kan this feeling? being laughed at is not fun. yang bestnya, kau boleh plak patah balik nak carik alasan cover balik. eh, bley bla la.

senang cakap... siapa makan cili terasalah pedasnya, dongsaeng-ah. btw, apa plak aku yang create fanwar? bodoh punya statement. my point was that you're too obsessed with SUJU that you even participate in fanwars. as proven by your own posts. apa kena mengena tetiba aku yang join the fanwar ke mende? statement yang sungguh terpesong dari main point. fanwar tu bukan war antara fans abt the group ke? so apa kena mengena aku komen pasal blog kau tetiba jadi fanwar?? ada aku kutuk SUJU? ada aku kutuk ELF? eh, bijaknyelah budak kecik ni.

btw, org blajar pandai mana pun xkan terlepas dari kebodohan. tolong jangan nk start that shit with me. yeah, kawan2 KPOP you smua top 2 in class. and? your point is?? i never said one word about your studies being neglected. all i said was that KPOP was the priority in your life. that doesn't mean that you fail your studies. apa ke bengap? also, you nak ke i buktikan yang posts you tu semua related to KPOP?? nak? pls help me here ppl. are you FOR REAL with that 2posts out of 100posts thingy? kau ada macam penyakit sawan denial ke? maybe this is a severe case?? okay, so you say education is your top priority. fine lah. aku accept. aku bukan kenal kau pun nak deny statement tu. tapi tipulah kalau kau kata KPOP is not your priority kan? ada pernah aku mention yang education tu bukan priority kau? ada? x bukan? so apa yang bising2nya?

and suddenly the fact that "i'm not gonna marry him" makes it alright? so okay la berangan merepek pasal someone that could be your FATHER, as long as you're not marrying him? apakah?? and there you are sibuk2 kutuk pasal SHINee being illuminati lah and all that shit. but being paedophillic is okay? again. what the....???

also, "i'm not really into korean artists, i'm just a BIG fan of SUJU." LOL!!! um, so... SUJU isn't a korean artist? statement kau sudah severely contradictory bukan?? LMAO. don't embarrass yourself with these kinds of statements la ye? malulah. ish.

btw, you can drop your mature act. it's not working. i mean, kau cakap macam baik2 lah kan? konon2 macam kau x marah kat aku ke amende smua. tapi sangat obviouslah yang kau snanyea cam xley bla kan? xpuas hati ngan aku sampai nak buat blog post. ceh. xpayah la. ayat2 kau tu bau busuk dengan denial. puh-lease! malas nak pinpointlah. your entire post screamed of "defensive" okay? tolong. tolong. tollooooonglah. haha^^ btw, i'm not the one butthurt right now. YOU mentioned me in TWO consecutive posts. looks like i'm the popular one here. and xpayah nak thanks2 for the teachings. nak blagak boleh accept criticism plak ttbe. lol. your weak sarcasm does NOT work on me, kiddo. konon nak mengajar aku pulak.

yea it's your blog. lantak kaulah kau nak post apa. that's right and i'm not denying that. does it mean i have to LIKE your posts? NO. aku manusia merdeka. aku boleh ada opinion and in my opinion, i find you a bit pathetic that your life revolves around KPOP. but again, bukannya aku cakap opinion aku ni fakta. this is my judgement based solely on your blog. kalau my judgement salah, then aku terima lah. no skin off my back. my posts pun apa kurangnya? pasal KPOP jugak. aku x cakap being obsessed tu salah. i'm just saying it shouldn't be the priority. lagipun, ada aku suruh kau stop posting about apa yang kau post selama ni? x bukan? i'm just sad that you find nothing else more meaningful to post about on your blog other than KPOP.

you've got a lot more growing up to do, budak.

p/s: i do NOT hate you. tolongggglah. talking about you in ONE post response doesn't mean i hate you, nor does it make you bloody famous. i don't even KNOW you. it was unfortunate, but you were just the coincidental example towards the issue in general. aku x target kau sorang. my comment was aimed towards all delusional kiddies who need to wake up and realize, KPOP should not be your LIFE. and don't worry, i remind MYSELF abt that everyday, too.

p/p/s: aku mmg x follow pun blog kau and aku mmg x tringin pun nak baca blog kau yang aku find delusional and annoying tu. i was referred to it, and my opinion was requested. all i did was skim through the first page of your blog. got a problem with that?? kalau kau ada hak nak post apa yang kau post, then aku pun ada hak untuk form an opinion pasal posts kau. fair enough right?

p/p/p/s: NO. i do NOT find your post offensive. ROFLMAO. pleaselah budak kecik. it takes a lot more bullshits to offend me. i deal with crap like this on an hourly basis. your post was more like funny as freakin heck. lantaklah kau nak fikir aku ni kurang ajar ke, apa ke. i don't owe you anything. btw, if you consider my criticism sebagai cacian, then i'm sooooo sorry. too bad for you lah kan?


ok, cukuplah tu. memandangkan aku pun da cakap apa yang aku nak cakap, you can go ahead and focus on your studies macam yang you sibuk2 nak declare tu. lol.



Anonymous said...

omg this IS SO FUNNY!! you know what, the so-called supersc*nt actually screencapped my comment in which i referred to you their childish fanfics and tuduh i cari gaduh dgn diorg just because of it!! talk about ketidakmatangan - some people tersangat2lah tak matang!!

i used to be 13 jugak, OK? but i seriously did not do all this crazy berangan thing, i definitely did not use the word hurted (omg and she said no one EVER told her english die berterabur??? bagus betul cikgu english die.) and i did not perasan org brcakap pasal i! gila memalukan diri la budak ni.

from your post memang nmpak sangat she's not acting her age. 13-year-olds kt my skool takde pon yg sawan2 macam ni. diorg sibuk study sbb education is REALLY their top priority, unlike some people yg ckp je psl priority tp denial gila. haha.

yeah she needs LOTS of growing up to do. seriously.

nani said...

funny aint it? aku xtao apa kena budak2 ni konon macam panggil ktorang makcik2 yang caci diorang. mereka ingat kami insulted ke kalau diorang panggil kami makcik? sorry la. kau ingat nanti kau tua kau jadi apa? jadi makcik jugak kan? LOL!!!!! bodoh la diorang ni.

weyy.... wake up! kitorang x baca blog korang la. perasan nya! big deal sangat ke kalau orang cakap pasal kau? in one single random post? please don't be pretentious. ew.

nani said...

aik? da xda apa nak cakap trus suruh stop? apa? apa kena mengena aku adult ke x adult?? kau yang konon macam matang sangat! so kita bincang as mature adults la, kan? hypocrite pulak. wow. kau memang pelajar sempurna. hahaha!

Anonymous said...

ai...i rasa die stop sebab dah terang-terang your analysis tentang personaliti die semua betul. takde point pun die nak deny - die berpura2 matang sangat, tapi bile ade discussion matang die cabut pulak. kids will always be kids. mcm i cakap, budak2 ni stokin pun mak diorang basuh lagi..nak discuss like adults macam mane??

paling tak tahan..die stalk blog you!! gile ah. and her reply post pun english berterabur jugak~~! haha.

Nana Othman said...

nampaknya budak itu tdk faham maksud sebenar 'fanwar'. main guna saja. hapa la~

nana pun hari2 perlu igtkan diri kpop bukan priority, keke.

nani said...

nana: kan? i bukannya cakap salah apa yang dia post. cuma tolonglah ingat; KPOP should not be your life. tu je. diorang pulak yang emo xtentu pasal. haish.

and yes. diorang mmg x faham definition fanwar tu. main sebut2 je. pelik gila. =___="